サイトアイコン モンハン攻略動画

Monster Hunter Rise GOSS HARAG GAMEPLAY COMBAT SHOWCASE BATTLE TRAILER モンスターハンターライズ ゴシャハギ 戦闘 ゲームプレイ

Monster Hunter Rise GOSS HARAG GAMEPLAY COMBAT SHOWCASE BATTLE TRAILER モンスターハンターライズ ゴシャハギ 戦闘 ゲームプレイ
Goss Harag is a brand new monster coming to Monster Hunter Rise on the Nintendo Switch. This masked boi has two stage battles where he’s in his default blue state powering you down with his brute strength. Then switches over to his blade form red state and starts to swing his now ice bladed arm causing havoc.

This exclusive game is releasing March 26th 2021.

#MonsterHunterRise #NintendoSwitch #NintendoSphere