サイトアイコン モンハン攻略動画

MHRise | Charge Blade Solo 3:29 Magnamalo

MHRise | Charge Blade Solo 3:29 Magnamalo

Magnamalo solo speedrun in Monster Hunter Rise with SAED Style CB by Dune. A lot of u guys are asking why he can load all his phials only from yellow charge. He is using the Load Shells skill. This skill does not grant additional Charge blade phials, like in World/Iceborne, but instead makes you able to fill 5 phials on yellow charge instead of red.

Team Darkside:
► Patreon: https://patreon.com/TeamDarkside
► Discord: https://discord.gg/TeamDarkside
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/TDS_Dune
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/TDS_Chris

Rajang CB icon by:
► https://twitter.com/AthemWulf​
Magnamalo icon by:
► https://twitter.com/ElyseGaudium
